
the doon school of egalitarianism

Karan Thapar: Let me question that. India is a poor country. I put it to you that this order of money could be better spent if you expand education, health and sanitation or if you use it to feed the 40 per cent of Indian children who are chronically malnourished.
right. let's check what percentage of indian children were malnourished last year. or the year before that. or ten years ago. or twenty years ago. or as far back as 1947.


anu said...

Nah, not angst, just some journalistic fun. The guy handed the most obvious question -for the UID chief to make a clear case for UID and the man responded with a wishy-washy answer. Doon vs NN's what ever alma mater is what is at play here.

Ramadoss Magesh said...

Nandan was looking pathetic all through the interview..i do not know if you are aware of those chain mail forwards that happened a while ago about him being on "bench" on a government project..

Funny thing..this interview was just followed by a NDTV interview with one caller saying this new role for Nanadan was Nandan version 3.0(as his book writers role being nandan version 2.0, and socialite version 2.1..LOL)

kuffir said...


i was referring to thapar's (successfully concealed, until now)concern for the wretched of the earth. nn's responses are another story.


no, i am not aware of the chain mail forward. please forward. :)

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