
do you really need a 'progressive' goverment to ensure less undernourishment?

anoop saha, in response to my last post says:
Of course, Kerala is not an ideal. But the only explanation of low malnutrition in Kerala compared to AP and WB is that the poorest classes (who are most vulnerable to malnutrition) had a far larger stake in the power here than the other states. (italics mine).
please read the rest of his response too here. and let me add that i agree with most of what he has to say on the communists' social base in kerala.
the poorest classes (who are most vulnerable to malnutrition) had a far larger stake in the power here than the other states.
is that the reason why punjab too has a lower proportion of undernourished children? only 27%, less than even the proportion of undernourished children in kerala! do the dalits and other lower castes in punjab (anoop would prefer to call them poorest classes, i guess) have a large stake in power in punjab just as they do in kerala? dalits constitute nearly 30% of the population in punjab- a large presence. does that translate into a large stake in power? and have the governments in punjab been as progressive as the left front governments in kerala?

no, i don't think so.

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